divendres, 9 d’octubre del 2009


Hello. I'm Natalia and I'm 15 years old. I've a brown and curly hair, and brown eyes too. I'm thin and tall.
My character it's a little difficult. I'm rather timid with people that I don't know, but with my friends I'm very sociable and friendly, although I've a strong character and I get angry often and I haven't got much patience. I'm honest, I always say what I think, and this sometimes cause me some problems. One of the things I really like is imagine.

I love meet with my friends, listen to music and watch so much movies. My film director favorite's Tim Burton, certainly. I really like his movies and the messages that hidden in then. I love the characters that he has created. And my actor favorite in all the world is Johnny Depp. I think that he's a great actor because he can interpret every character really good, no matter who's he playing.

My dream always has been travel around the world, and not grow up ever. I always want live in Neverland with Peter Pan and the people who I love.

In the classes of english, usually I do well. I always aprove with a good puntuation. The languages aren't very difficult for me. This summer I went to classes, too.

See you soon!

Natàlia Sellés

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